• Anglais en s'amusant - Troisieme Trimestre

    So this week I start my third term of Anglais en s'amusant

    and we are going to be singing, playing and reading a book about cookies!

     Who took the cookies from the cookie jar?

    Vocab - Who, me, yes, you, not me, numbers 1 to 6.

     Who took the cookies ?

    I have been busy making this number cookie game,

    throw the dice, practice counting from 1 to 6 and move your biscuits over to the cookie jar.

    Who took the cookies ?

    I have still got 3 more games to make!


    We will be reading this story

    and singing Who took the cookie? from this CD

    Images for game supplied by Kizclub learning resources


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  • Today Henry and I bought some peas at Les Jardins du Poitou

    Peas in their pods!

    We had great fun taking the little peas out of their pods !

    The children love risotto so we are going to make a pea risotto for lunch.

     peas         eat peas

    Just a few of the great childrens books about peas

    P is for pea by Mr Printables 

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